For more information, visit these links:

Alzheimer's Association:

Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center:


Howard Hughes Medical Institute:

National Center of Biotechnology Information:

National Cell Repository for Alzheimer's Disease (NCRAD):

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI):

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:

Help Fight Against Alzheimer's Disease!

 They're on the move! To fight Alzheimer's! The Alzheimer's Association has put together an event to help raise money to get rid of this disease. Please participate or donate money for the cause!

Also, find the nearest Memory Walk near you! Click here.

Location: Sacramento, Ca.

State Capitol, South Steps

N Street between 10th & 12th

Date: 9/19/09 at 9am

For more information, click here.

 In addition to the Memory Walk, the Alzheimer's Association also provides a fine arts program. The program allows patients to "create art to regain the ability to communicate while boosting self-esteem and opening the channels of communication with loved ones." (4a)

My Connection

      There's a reason why I chose to research on Alzheimer's disease. It may not be the reason many people would think it would be, because none of my family members have ever been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. But why did I do it? It is because I value the concept memories. I value every little aspect of my memories that allowed me to be the person I am now. After reading The Notebook, I noticed that memories make up who I am and I can always look back and smile at those good times. That's why I want to help fight against Alzheimer's. Truly, life is a pursuit of self-identity and Alzheimer's disease takes that away. That's super scary. It's scary because you know that one day you are going to forget everything you value and become nobody. This malicious disease needs to be stopped before it hurts anymore victims and everybody around them.

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