Please don't be angry with me on days I do not remember you, and we both know they will come... no matter what happens, know that I have led the greatest life possible. My life with you...

-The Notebook 


... to the educational and user friendly website that will help you and many knowledge seekers understand the world of Alzheimer's disease that has been tearing up families, relationships, and most importantly, the victim's memories. This web page will explain the genetic connection to the Alzheimer's disease and how the Human Genome Project is currently helping researchers to find a cure.

Brief introduction to Alzheimer's Disease:

     Alzheimer's disease, as most of us know, deteriorates the brain that affects normal daily functioning. Currently, we do not know the exact cause of this disease, but we are slowly researching the possible factors that may potentially 'activate' the disease. Through rigorous research, industries, universities, and drug producers are able to learn more about the disease thanks to information provided by the Human Genome Project.

Take a look at the image above. It compares the normal brain (left) appearance to the Alzheimer's brain appearance (right). As you can see, the right brain, afflicted with Alzheimer's disease, is deteriorated and 'empty' compared to the healthy, normal brain.

Contact Information

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact us for more information about this web page.

Thank you.

Glory Bui


Teacher: Mr. Jason Brennan

School: Sheldon High School

8333 Kingsbridge Drive

Sacramento, CA 95829

School Phone Number:

(916) 681-7500

Navigation and Citation

All information is placed in selected categories for organization and easy access. They are accessible from the navigation bar on the top of the page. The sources are quoted or paraphrased and cited in red. In addition, find the sources in the bibliography page or click on the image or citation for a direct link.

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